Thursday, July 10, 2008

Business As Usual

The Psychoflooder has returned for just another day of repetitive flooding and accusing others of doing exactly what she does.

Some choice posts from the flooder:
Every fucking day. Same thing. Every day. - Same posts. Every day. 08:19:52 7/10/2008 (6)
You so are. Look at how you're overreacting. - Maybe you should take your meds.; 08:31:20 7/10/2008 (0)
Oh nothing. Repeating yourself every fucking day with the same fucking bashes and flooding the board with the same fucking thing - .... there's no point to that. It's just psychotic behavior. 08:28:10 7/10/2008 (2)
Oh. So you're not really bashing at all. You're just filling space with things that aren't any big deal. - And ignoring that not everyone has BEEN to the food board. I'm bashing you, darling. You're an idiot. A psycho fucking idiot. 08:29:03 7/10/2008 (2)
The question of the day: Does the psycho not own a mirror?