The Psychoflooder has returned for just another day of repetitive flooding and accusing others of doing exactly what she does.
Some choice posts from the flooder:
Every fucking day. Same thing. Every day. - Same posts. Every day. 08:19:52 7/10/2008 (6)
You so are. Look at how you're overreacting. - Maybe you should take your meds.; 08:31:20 7/10/2008 (0)
Oh nothing. Repeating yourself every fucking day with the same fucking bashes and flooding the board with the same fucking thing - .... there's no point to that. It's just psychotic behavior. 08:28:10 7/10/2008 (2)
Oh. So you're not really bashing at all. You're just filling space with things that aren't any big deal. - And ignoring that not everyone has BEEN to the food board. I'm bashing you, darling. You're an idiot. A psycho fucking idiot. 08:29:03 7/10/2008 (2)
The question of the day: Does the psycho not own a mirror?